Von Jack und Parson Russell Terriern - ein kleines Sammelsurium

Soziologen neigen dazu, bei komplexen Fragestellungen weit auszuholen und die Geduld des Gegenübers, eine simple Frage stellend auf eine einfache Antwort hoffend, zu strapazieren. Nun, diese Frage ist thematisch komplex und sie ist gerechtfertigt. Eine schnelle Antwort verwirrt oft mehr, als sie klärt. Die gute Nachricht ist: sie ist längst beantwortet. Ich verzichte also auf einen eigenen Exkurs über den Pfarrer John "Jack" Russell aus Swimbridge, Devon, Südengland, seines Zeichens ein umtriebiger, sehr beliebter Mann, der gerne zu Hause aufgesucht wurde, zudem ein leidenschaftlicher Fuchsjäger war, der für seinen eigenen Bedarf neben Foxhounds auch hochläufige Foxterrier eines kleineren Schlags mit besonderen Qualitäten züchtete, die in England schließlich mit seinem Namen verknüpft werden sollten und mit dem putzigen, in Australien designten Niederläufer, der heute in den Weltverbänden FCI und Kennel Club gemeinhin als "Jack Russell" bezeichnet wird, nicht viel zu tun haben. Es gibt Experten, die sich mit den Ursprüngen des British Jack Russell Terriers seit Jahrzehnten sehr grundlegend befassen und sich mit den Unterschieden zu den im auslaufenden 20. Jahrhundert hinzugekommenen Rassen grundlegend auseinandersetzen und diese auf den Punkt gebracht vorgelegt haben: Parson Russell, Jack Russell - was denn nun? (c) Antje Heller

Der Jack Russell vor "Erfindung" des Parson Russell Terriers

Let's drink to the reverend Jack Russell

a Devonshire man of renown

from South Molten he came

and hunting his game

when he cast off his coller and gown


One day he journeyed to Oxford

to some business he had to attend

and when there one night

he bought a bitch that was white

it's from her that all Jack Russells descend


He started training his puppies

by letting out rats from a box

it made them keen

if you know what I mean

then later they were entered to fox.


Today's Russell is a little bit different

from the ones that were bred years ago

but their spirit's the same

they're still just as game

but sadly some are just kept for show


So what is the ideal Jack Russell

well an old friend of mine once told me

if it's for work they are bred

they need a wise head

and at that I am sure we agree


He likes his twelve inch at the shoulder

tricolour or brown and white

a chest you can span

won't bite woman or man

and he doesn't want one that will fight


So good luck to all who have Terriers

may they give you a sport that is rare

but when you unbox

and work up to your fox

be sporting 

and play the game fair!


- by Mike Scott, Yeovil -

(copied from BJRT)

Der Jack Russell Terrier laut BJRTC - Rassestandard

Characteristics:  The terrier must present a lively, active and alert appearance. It should be remembered that the Jack Russell is a working terrier and should retain these instincts. Nervousness, cowardice or over aggression should be discouraged and it should always appear confident.
General appearance:
A sturdy, tough terrier, very much on its toes all the time, measuring between 10“ and 15“ at the withers. The body length must be in proportion to the height and it should present a compact, balanced image, always being in a solid, hard condition.
Head: Should be well balanced and in proportion to the body. The skull should be flat, of moderate width at the ears, narrowing to the eyes. There should be a defined stop but not over pronounced. The length of muzzle from the nose to the Stopp should be slightly shorter than the distance from the stop to the occiput.
Eyes: Should be almond shaped, dark in colour and full of life and intelligence.
Ears: Small ´v´ shaped drop ears carried forward close to the head and of moderate thickness.
Mouth: Strong teeths with the top slightly overlapped the lower.
Neck: Clean and muscular, of good length, gradually widening at the shoulders.
The shoulders should be sloping and well laid back, fine at points and clearly cut at the withers. Forelegs should be strong and straight boned with joints in correct alignment. Elbows hanging perpendicular to the body and working free of the sides.
Body: The chest should be shallow, narrow and the front legs set not too widely apart, giving an athletic, rather than heavily chested, appearance. As a guide only, the chest should be small enough to be easily spanned behind the shoulders, by average size hands, when the terrier is in a fit, working condition. The back should be strong, straight and, in comparison to the height of the terrier, give a balanced image. The loin should be slightly arched.
Should be strong and muscular, well put together with good angulation and bend of stifle, giving plenty of drive and propulsion. Looking from behind the hocks must be straight.
Feet: Round, hard padded, of cat-like appearance, neither turning in or out.
Tail: Should be set rather high, carried gaily and in proportion to body length.
Smooth, without being so sparse as not to provide a certain amount of protection from the elements and undergrowth. Rough or broken coated, without being woolly.
White should predominate with tan, black or brown markings. Brindle marked terriers are not allowed to be shown or registered with the BJRTC.
Movement should be free, lively, well coordinated with straight action in front and behind.
 Please note: For showing purposes, terriers are classified in two groups; 10“ to 12“; over 12“ up to 15“. Old scars and injuries, the result of work or accident, should not be allowed to prejudice a terrier’s chance in the show ring unless they interfere with its movement with its utility for work or stud. Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
A Jack Russell should not show any strong characteristics of another breed.

The British Jack Russell Terrier Club was formed in 1992 by Jack Russell enthusiasts’ in the South and West of England, who were alarmed by the cross breeding which seemed to becoming popular in other parts of the country. The Clubs aim has always been to preserve The “PURE JACK RUSSELL” in its original form, so that it’s unique working qualities, intelligence and temperament are preserved for future generations. With a wealth of experience behind us, the committee is confident that the “REAL BREED” is still safe in our hands. Anyone who owns a terrier is welcome to join our club, and through our judges, learn what the Real Jack Russell should look like, why it is kept that way, and why we as caretakers of this wonderful working breed are so against the crossing of other terrier breeds into it, which has been proven time and again to be detrimental to it’s working qualities. We believe it is a breed worth preserving so if you are interested then show your support. 

Eddie Chapman

Chairman of the British Jack Russell Terrier Club

Der Parson Russell Terrier laut FCI - Rassestandard

FCI - Standard Nr. 339; Gruppe 3 - Terrier / Sektion 1 - Hochläufige Terrier

Datum der Veröffentlichung des gültigen FCI-Standards: 22. August 2017


Parson Russell Terrier Original-Rassestandard (deutsch)
Übersetzung von: Dr. J.-M. Paschoud / Harry G.A. Hinckeldeyn, ergänzt und überarbeitet Christina Bailey / Offizielle Originalsprache (EN)
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I am not a dog. I am a (British) Jack Russell Terrier. I'm half wolverine, half barb wire, but all attitude. I am either your best friend or your worst enemy, depending on your attitude. I can fight the wildest raccoon or play with the gentlest child. I can hunt all day in snow storms, pouring rain or blistering heat and then ask you to throw the ball when we get done. I will argue with you at every turn. After all, I know what I'm doing and the best way to get it done. I am easy to feed. I will eat your steak or the dead, rotten gopher I found in the field. I will protect you from burglars, foxes, racoons, badgers and that strange shadow in the corner of the house. I will hog the bed and the couch. I will steal your sandwich, your chair, your boot and your heart. You will never have to go to the bathroom alone. I will lick your face right after I ate the head of the rabbit I just killed in the yard. I will sleep next to you when you are sick and heal you with my love.

I am Jack Russell! Respect me. Love me. But never underestimate me. (~ author unknown ~)